Peter Quill (Star-Lord)
Peter was a simple dope who gained powers through his birth-right, he had Ship, a sentient being who carted him around space. It was very similar to how the Doctor Who series runs now-a-days. His father as we now know was a king of the Spartax system, and had mated with a human of Earth (Check out Guardians of the Galaxy 0.1!). Peter is a clever and fun character he's like Peter Parker of space. He was the person who started the newest form of Marvel's present Guardians of the Galaxy during the Annihilation: Conquest saga.
Beta Ray Bill
First appearing in the year of my birth 1983, in issue 337 of Thor. This character moved on to be one of the coolest wielders of Mjolnir, and later Stormbreaker. With his famous swing at the the front cover of Thor books people still imitate this cover design to this day. Bill is pretty awesome, and you probably should look for him in other stuff, Like the Planet Hulk movie on Netflix. I just like his design, and his backstory of being able to go toe-to-toe with Thor regardless of not having Mjolnir. Also, he was found on a ship called Scuttlebutt.
Moon Dragon
She was a young child when she was first brought to Mentor, who is father to Thanos the mad Titan. Heather Douglas was the daughter of Drax before her and her father were sucked up in to space to meet their destiny. She was gifted with the power of telepathy, and so forth, she became the greatest of telepaths. Unfortunately she gained a side-effect through her training with monks, and became possessed by a real Moon Dragon, a fearful beast of death. This beast she actually came full-on with in Annihilation: Conquest. Also, she is totally in love with Phyla-Vell, "daughter of Mar-Vell, or the original Captain Marvel of the Marvel universe.
Leader of the imperial guard for the Shi-Ar empire. He was there for the rise and fall of Jean Grey becoming the newest host for the Phoenix and sub-sequentially Dark Phoenix. He has equal powers to Superman from the DC Universe, but has a bad ass Mo-hawk. During the War of Kings and Realm of Kings events he became emperor of the Shi-Ar. Who like Vulcan as emperor anyway?
Black Bolt
He is one of my all-time favorite characters from the pages of Fantastic Four. Blackagar Boltagon can level a mountain with but a whisper. His powers come from the Terrigen mists planted on Earth to speed up the evolution of humanity by the Kree. Someone who he eventually goes and conquers during the War of Kings event. His wife is Medusa, who is currently a member of the Earth based Fantastic Four in FF. Also, he's pretty awesome in Earth X. I really like his costume too...
Rocket Raccoon
Oh boy! A talking anthropomorphic Raccoon with a penchant for big guns and missile launchers?! Do I really need to say more? Okay he's best friends with a tree-like entity who can re-grow himself from a splinter, and does regularly. I also imagine him with an Australian accent, and it's raspy like he just finished a bottle of whiskey.
Sadly she was only Quasar for a short time. I do like her being the embodiment/harbinger of death however. If you've watch the second season of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon then you are familiar with her being the quasar from the Guardians of the Galaxy episode. I like her Quantum Swords a lot. Biggest thing about her is her role and Moon Dragon's as lesbian lovers. And it didn't suck, or talk down to your intelligence.
Is he still a destroyer? Yes, very much so. He's a destroyer and damn good at it. He's space Wolverine essentially. He has a long and historic past, and was quite awful back in the day. Thank you Keith Giffen for making such huge alterations to this formerly "Superman Clone one billion in the Marvel universe". He has a major role involving Thanos. He is always the best answer to when Thanos has started running amok, as he was essentially bred and taught to be his assassin. Also, I'm a fan of Cammi, a no-nonsense companion of Drax.
Silver Surfer
Okay, so this guy named Galactus came to this guy Norrin Radd's place and totally destroyed it, then Norrin was like "no!" So, Galactus was like "I'm listening". Herald of Galactus Silver Surfer was born. He is by far of everyone's definition by normal standards "that guy from space in the Marvel comic books". It's hard to top him. Not many people really know a lot about him now though, and that kind of makes me sad. He was really big in the 70's and 80's. He even had a cartoon on Fox in the 90's. I loved that show, and was really my first full introduction to him and the Marvel Cosmic stuff. His best book is Silver Surfer: Requiem. Check it out.
Richard Rider (Nova)
You shouldn't be surprised by this really. I love the Nova Corps., and I think of them as a better version of the Green Lantern Corps. in DC. They're very similar, but the Novas don't rely on some emotional spectrum, just raw determination and skill. Rich is my favorite for mostly his involvement with the world-mind, and how it brought the Marvel's cosmic universe out of horrible funk in the mid 2000's. Just like a Nova he burst out and led the distant planet-hopping heroes into a new time. Nuff' Said.
Honorable Mentions: Adam Warlock and ROM Spaceknight
Hope you enjoyed this, and I really hope you got some inspiration to read about these characters or the recent major Marvel Cosmic events I've mentioned. They're really good, and I can't wait to see what the Marvel movie company does with these properties.
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