So there are currently two major events or cross-overs going on in the Marvel universe right now. One of them happens to have Ultron in a future dystopian world he won. Spidey is running around without a shirt, and Hawkeye is killing people with a crossbow. All while Captain America sulks that he doesn't have a plan, and Tony Stark is still a pretentious paranoid individual. Also, Luke Cage says sweet Christmas. Yeap this is Brian Michael Bendis writing about the Avengers.
Now let me speak about the good parts of this "Maxi-Series". First things first, Taskmaster is awesome, even without his cape. Hawkguy is awesome, and I hope to god, Franklin Richards is awesome. We finally get Bendis' impression of how Spidey-Ock would handle things... with his ego. I know Bendis didn't write the tie-in for Superior Spider-man, but he is lead creative officer on the event. I think he is anyways, it's hard to tell after his awesome work with X-men. Age of Ultron isn't awful, it's just slow. I did really enjoy the tie-ins so far, which is odd. I usually don't care too much for tie-ins, because they deviate other books from their point.
However, thank you Marvel for doing something right for a change with your big events. Instead of the usual de-railing of a book's main story to tie-in to a big event, they have instead decided to do one-shot stand-alone stories that don't interrupt the flow of the source book. I hope this is a practice that catches on as they continue with the new Marvel NOW.
So who is Ultron? He's this robot with A.I. that was created by Hank Pym, or as you know him better; Giant-man, Ant-man I, and Yellow Jacket. He developed him for the Avengers as an assistant and, soldier when things got crazy. He however has become one of the Avenger's number one villains. He has this bad habit of continually popping up, even after being thought dead for a good while. He even branches out to the cosmic universe of Marvel in Annihilation: Conquest by fusing with the Phanlanx. He's one of the top 5 villains in the Marvel Universe right after Doom, and Thanos. Yeah, he's a pretty big deal.
I guess I'll come back to this event when it's 8 issues in, or I don't and just leave you hanging on my thoughts of the series as a whole.
Suggested Listening: Placebo's "For What It's Worth"
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