First issue, while not available digitally upon it's release was an enjoyable read. What was Mark Millar(guy who wrote Kick-Ass and Ultimate X-men) thinking? He was thinking, damn this is a great book I hope people enjoy it in the paper format! Besides it's antiquated political undertones this book was enjoyable for being a cape comic. It's delivery was perfect, and not short on information to setup the series in the long run. A lot of first issues about super-heroes leave you wanting. This one conveyed it's general idea quickly and precisely in it's first issue. I say bravo to that!
The general idea is this; some people in the 30's searching for an answer to the woes of the depression and America's hardships venture to an island foreseen in the dreams of Sheldon Sampson. They are delivered there and blessed with being the first super-heroes of their age. Fast-forward to the present and their descendants have totally misconstrued their parent's values. Abusing their powers for fame and endorsements, while the regular people fall to the whims of the government's failing economy and even super-villains they could care less about fighting. The story seems to follow the idea of Robert Kirkman's(Walking Dead) Invincible, but makes it much more adult in it's tone. I'm not bashing Invincible, but it always felt a bit too corny for what I read. The idea of what real super-heroes in a real world setting is nothing new, but this felt inventive enough to be a good start to an endearing story.
On the flip-side it could also end up being a horrible story where people's values are washed away to make way for the superior beings and controlled by them in a police-state fashion to earn a dishonest Utopia. Which we've seen plenty of in comics (Evil Superman for President!). I don't think it will be long before we get this answer since two brothers who have opposing views on the current government structures are already butting heads towards a meltdown. I see one becoming a villain and the other standing by the current regime and believing that the people can work it out for themselves and not fail. These two brothers are two of the first people to go to the island, and one of them happens to be Sheldon Sampson.
A nice cliffhanger ends the book, I won't spoil it, but it does involve one of the degenerate children. A child who sounds so yuppy I wish I could squish her like Galactus on a bad day, or good depending on your outlook of Galactus. It's a good read, I advise everyone to check it out!
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