Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thanos Rising: It is Imperitive that your read this.

So Thanos Rising issue 1 came out today, and I liked it tons. It's a prequel setting for how the mad Titan became the avatar of death, and near conqueror of the universe. It also, show a more estranged younger version of his father Mentor. First thing I want to say is, young Thanos is cute as a button. He doodles dead iguana things, but doesn't have the heart to perform a simple dissection in class. So he doesn't hold sociopathic tendencies, he just has an inquisitive and creative streak. In another scene he's in a cave and can't wait to look for gems
Yeah Fun Fact: Thanos is a Mutant
I really enjoyed his interaction with the other kids as well, he even has a crush on one! His brother Eros isn't seen, but is mentioned. I assume Jason Aaron is saving him for the next issue or a following one. And on Sui-San being a crazy psycho mom who wants to kill her son first chance she can get, because she sees death in his eyes. Well, I think it's up in the air if that is real, or her madness. Thanos mentions having dreams about that, and decides sleeping is not needed to avoid those said dreams. So, you could make a case that Sui-San his mother is the reason for his downward spiral... well that and Death. I'm not really sure if this is a reboot or just a re-imagination. I don't think Thanos' backstory has been touched on in quite some time. And with the way Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova has been re-invigorated, and focused more on the backgrounds it would seem that Marvel NOW for the Cosmic universe is pulling up it's britches for some major changes.
I'm gonna miss that mullet
Animal Man post Rot World arc is coming to a close, after Buddy Baker's son stopped his little sister from dying by giving up his own life, the Baker family is in turmoil. Buddy, just wants everything to go back the way it was before the Red the Rot, and all the events that have happened. His wife fights with him on what their daughter Maxine is, whether she's just a little girl like her mother wants or the avatar of the Red like her father has to accept she is. Buddy has a run in with the paparazzi, one of which gets a gorilla slap, and buddy is finally pushed over the edge. He's fed up with all this ridiculous god-speak. So he takes his anger fueled self to the Red itself, and demands they leave him and his family alone. This ends in disastrous fashion for poor Buddy. I have to ask if Animal Man can get anymore gripping/depressing after this last issue, and I hope the answer is yes.
I'll be back later this week touching on the first 4 issues of the Age of Ultron Mini-series. Until then, enjoy the rest of your week!

Suggested Listening: Crosseyed by the Bad Veins, thanks Mikey.

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