Action Comics New 52 1-8
I just recently finished reading the first arch of Action Comics for the New 52. It's written by Grant Morrison, and I've expressed my interest in him before on this blog, so I don't see any reason to re-hash said interest. His work on this book is pretty great in my opinion. Not excellent or bad, just great. I'm sad that he left after issue 18, and that after his tenure with Batman INC. he will be leaving cape comics for a while(I read this somewhere, not sure where though). After the reboot, Superman needed a fresh take, I think it was prominently delivered with this title. I like that we get not one but multiple villains origins in this run. Metallo's is great, and also gave us the birth of the new Steel. Lex's xenophobic sensibility is prevalent through the first arch, even if he sides with another alien in order to remove Superman. The collector of Worlds/Brainiac... Internet? Plays the main villain throughout, and did what he always does to Kal-El, torture his friends and city. Jimmy plays the perfect best-friend in this series while Lois is... well Lois, and not much more. The Legion of Superheroes short story in the middle did distract, but I still enjoyed the story it presented. I liked the idea of a Tesseract being in his brain, regardless of how it got there(a bullet...). This allowed his villains to enter there with Kryptonite. It's something I would've never thought of, and something that the writers of Dr. Who should look into. "The Tardis... it's well, it's inside your head Doctor." Awesome!
All in all I recommend reading it, at least just issues 1-4, and then 7-8. The Legion issue is 6 if you want to check out that Tesseract story. 5 is just baby Kal-El riding his ship to Earth and being saved by the Kents, with some slightly depressing undertones. The latter to which I listened to Rocket Man by Elton John, which I guess would be the suggested listening for this piece. I plan to finish Morrison's run, and then check out Andy Diggle's issue((s?)He wrote Green Arrow: Year One which I liked). Scott Lobdell will be taking over the book after that and I think I'll give his first issue a look-see. He however is writing almost every other Superman book, and I've heard those are pretty bad.
I still can't wait for Batman/Superman, I hope it's great. Especially after that last bit at the end of Batman 19, which I thought was the best part of that book.
Suggested Listening
Surprise Music video. I assume I was supposed to listen to your suggested listening while reading AC 5.
ReplyDeleteYeah, something like that. Thought I'd try something different with the suggested listening.