Thursday, February 21, 2013

Weekly Pull List

Hum, this Thursday I have to nearly concede. I had trouble finding an issue to really talk about. I haven't read through everything, but I have read Nova #1. Which is meh, very lackluster from start to finish. I did like the guest appearance from one of my favorite Marvel cosmic characters, Rocket Raccoon  Other than that though, it felt like nothing really happened. 
I wonder if Rocket was named in homage to the
Beatles song, Rocky Raccoon?
Superior Spider-man #4 was interesting, but more of the same from what I've read of the series. I do foresee the Green Goblin, saying he'll take care of things, but ultimately wonder what the hell is actually going on when he faces off against Spidey-Ock. Justice League of America is just plain awful. Shoe-horning in Katana and Catwoman just because of X felt rather clumsy. The entire idea sounds pretty horrible, and honestly I kind of want to keep reading the book to watch this team and it's idea burn down in flaming glory. Don't get me started on Vibe, I have no problem with the character, but his addition to this team seems forced, like they just want him on the team because he's hispanic, DIVERSITY! Avengers #6 was entertaining, but I found it to be the weakest issue of the book so far. It probably has something to do with Captain Universe being the focal point of it. We did finally learn what all those symbols stand for, and now can go back and re-read the issues to see what they say. Someone on Reddit already did this for us Spoilers. I still have quite a bit to read this week, maybe I'll do it in Quick Snipes over until next week, I've heard Saga #10 is supposed to be good. And Thor is always an enjoyable read as is Captain America. So that's it for this week, hopefully next week will have some amazing books on Wednesday.

Suggested Listening: James Blake - Retrograde, I don't have a specific reason, I just liked the song.

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