I'm A Little Late On This
Final Crisis Part Two
In this issue we open up to some old Japanese super hero rambling on about how the Japanese heroes of today are nothing but a bunch of "wasters". Rising Sun, the elder hero in question continues his tirade as a slew of young heroes affectionately relate that their super power is to be famous. I agree with the old guy. Seriously Super Young Team, get it together. I do have to say I enjoy the paneling work on pages 2-3.
A man by the name of Sonny Sumo enters the club and asks for a glass of water, whilst the said wasters pine over him MechaYakuza comes up to him and challenges him. I don't know any of these characters so I care little for them. Especially when Sumo-san's back ignites and he rips out Mecha's heart leaving it in the glass of water as he walks to the bathroom. The wasters then come up with a plan of action as to get Sonny's autograph as a mysterious man enters the club. It's Mister Miracle! He asks Sonny Sumo to help him out after being told by Motherboxx to find him and form up a team. I assume they're going to go after Darkseid.
We're then greeted by the confused black man who ended the last issue. He seems to be even more confused as he recants his dream to a fellow employ at a local fast food joint where he works. It seems that he may in fact be that cave-guy from his dream, and also he may be the exiled monitor from the Orrery. His friend calls him a stoner and remarks that she only asked if he dreams in color(racist...). A quick scene change and the detective Turpin is beating the ever loving crap out of poor Jervis Tetch(Mad Hatter) who claims he only crafted the head gear that controls the kids and has no idea where they are.
Well until Turpin threatens to destroy his gray matter with a toilet seat. One way ticket to Bludhaven for psycho cop.
We get a heart felt moment as Superman read's Martian Manhunter's eulogy on Mars. This heart felt moment is then turned over to Libra, who asks the villain populace if they're convinced whether they want to join up with it or not. Lex isn't convinced unless Libra can bring down Superman. Clayface(I'm not sure which one) meanwhile is asking for his cut next. I assume he is referring to Batman, but I could be wrong. The entire Legion of Doom moves out to the streets where I am then posed a question. How has no one alerted the good guys as to where they meet? Unless I guess they move around every time...
Anyway the Human Flame thanks his boss Libra, who corrects him and say that it isn't his boss, but the boss shall be coming soon. Ooo Foreshadowing for the big baddy(Darkseid).
Back at the Halls of Justice Wonder Woman recounts our dead bodies while Bats and Supes over look the body of Orion. They talk about the possible implications of Orion, a god being shot. Then enters a bitchy bot from the Green Lantern Corp. Hal Jordan pleads that they work together after she calls Batman unprofessional, and asks Wonder Woman not to call her Sister, which she is not.
The bot, who might I add looks a lot like Danger from X-men storms off saying that Hal's duty has expired for the day. We cut back over to John Stewart who is digging for the missing bullet that killed Orion. He remarks that he has found something, but it's 50 years old. He digs it up with an adorable Tonka sized backhoe and dump truck made from his ring.
When he gets it out his ring goes haywire and some cackling is heard and someone subdues John and this other guy that showed up. In the next scene Kraken(the robot from the Lantern Corp.) bursts in through Hal's door waking him up. She claims he killed Orion, and attempted to kill his Partner, Stewart. I'm betting Kraken set this whole thing up and is working with... Darkseid.
Oh look... I was right. Batman and Superman talk about how Hal is obviously innocent. Batman confronts Kraken alone, as Supes obviously has more important things to do at the Daily Planet as Clark Kent. A moment of clarity catches Batman's attention as Kraken pleads for help. It seems Parralax has taken over the Alpha Lantern as little green centipedes come out of her arms. Also, Parralax seems to be working for Granny. Thus Batman one way ticket to Apokolips. Back to Turpin, who is now in Bludhaven, where knights ride cheetahs through the streets. He runs in to the good Reverend Good, who was seen on a TV earlier when Turpin was beating the ever living piss out of Hatter. He beckons Turpin to follow him, and then explains that he and Turpin are in fact gods of Apokolips in mortal form.
He then tells Turpin what we already know, that he has found the children and his mind must've been wiped clean of the run-in with Darkseid. Reverend Good leads him down a staircase where two other gods of Apokolips are with Kraken and dear old Batman strapped to some machine begging for a shocked Turpin to get the Justice League immediately.
Back at the Daily Planet Clark hands Perry White MM's Obituary much to Perry's joy, and Clark's sadness. Jimmy Olsen is then asked by Mrs. Kent(Lois Lane) to take a memo downstairs. As Jimmy gets in the elevator he slowly turns into Clayface, and Kent remarks that he thought he saw Jimmy down-- BOOM! The Daily Planet explodes at the top levels and it seems that Lois doesn't Make it.
In the last scene we see Jay Garrick(Old Flash) and Wally West(3rd Flash) racing towards the scene where the Legion of Doom met Libra. As they look around Wally comments on Metron's space chair and the crime bible. But he gets a bit more in depth at how Batman may have solved Orion's death about a time travelling bullet. Then suddenly the chair opens what looks like a boom tube and a voice off screen calls them by name.
Who could it be?! We'll have to wait and see in Final Justice Part Three!
In this issue we open up to some old Japanese super hero rambling on about how the Japanese heroes of today are nothing but a bunch of "wasters". Rising Sun, the elder hero in question continues his tirade as a slew of young heroes affectionately relate that their super power is to be famous. I agree with the old guy. Seriously Super Young Team, get it together. I do have to say I enjoy the paneling work on pages 2-3.
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Nice panel work! |
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Check out my Magic: The Gathering Card! |
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Ouch |
We get a heart felt moment as Superman read's Martian Manhunter's eulogy on Mars. This heart felt moment is then turned over to Libra, who asks the villain populace if they're convinced whether they want to join up with it or not. Lex isn't convinced unless Libra can bring down Superman. Clayface(I'm not sure which one) meanwhile is asking for his cut next. I assume he is referring to Batman, but I could be wrong. The entire Legion of Doom moves out to the streets where I am then posed a question. How has no one alerted the good guys as to where they meet? Unless I guess they move around every time...

Back at the Halls of Justice Wonder Woman recounts our dead bodies while Bats and Supes over look the body of Orion. They talk about the possible implications of Orion, a god being shot. Then enters a bitchy bot from the Green Lantern Corp. Hal Jordan pleads that they work together after she calls Batman unprofessional, and asks Wonder Woman not to call her Sister, which she is not.
The bot, who might I add looks a lot like Danger from X-men storms off saying that Hal's duty has expired for the day. We cut back over to John Stewart who is digging for the missing bullet that killed Orion. He remarks that he has found something, but it's 50 years old. He digs it up with an adorable Tonka sized backhoe and dump truck made from his ring.
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Adorable |
Oh look... I was right. Batman and Superman talk about how Hal is obviously innocent. Batman confronts Kraken alone, as Supes obviously has more important things to do at the Daily Planet as Clark Kent. A moment of clarity catches Batman's attention as Kraken pleads for help. It seems Parralax has taken over the Alpha Lantern as little green centipedes come out of her arms. Also, Parralax seems to be working for Granny. Thus Batman one way ticket to Apokolips. Back to Turpin, who is now in Bludhaven, where knights ride cheetahs through the streets. He runs in to the good Reverend Good, who was seen on a TV earlier when Turpin was beating the ever living piss out of Hatter. He beckons Turpin to follow him, and then explains that he and Turpin are in fact gods of Apokolips in mortal form.
He then tells Turpin what we already know, that he has found the children and his mind must've been wiped clean of the run-in with Darkseid. Reverend Good leads him down a staircase where two other gods of Apokolips are with Kraken and dear old Batman strapped to some machine begging for a shocked Turpin to get the Justice League immediately.
Back at the Daily Planet Clark hands Perry White MM's Obituary much to Perry's joy, and Clark's sadness. Jimmy Olsen is then asked by Mrs. Kent(Lois Lane) to take a memo downstairs. As Jimmy gets in the elevator he slowly turns into Clayface, and Kent remarks that he thought he saw Jimmy down-- BOOM! The Daily Planet explodes at the top levels and it seems that Lois doesn't Make it.
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Hey Lois, need a hand? |
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I bet it's Barry |
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