A Quick Snipe
I'm gonna do a new series involving quick points of views on certain issues I've recently read. In other words "Quick Snipes". This one is in regards to a recent issue of Thunderbolts from the new Marvel NOW launch, issue number 4 to be exact. I haven't been the biggest of fan of this series, mostly for the art. I do understand that Steve Dillon(Preacher) is leaving the series shortly, so either my opinion of his art(which is normally not very bad) on this book wasn't up to standards or he may have other things going for him. Whatever the deal is Daniel Way hasn't been doing too terribly bad. This issue is a prime example of that. We know the story so-far, and it's quite interesting, but up until this point really hasn't been anything personally engaging with our cadre of characters. Deadpool has, for the most part been hit or miss with his usual quips. Even to the point where I question if he actually said that, or another character did. Usually this is a definable feature of the character, regardless of the yellow bubbles or inner monologue. He still has his jovial moments, but for the most part, I feel he's there to help sell the book than be actually useful in the comic-relief department(he does have a few funny moments though)*. General Ross as the Red Hulk is the driving force behind this book, but he still doesn't feel like the "Driving Force", if you gather what I'm saying. Yes, he pulled these people together, and yes he sort of leads them, but for the most part it seems like he just stands around in the background, and provides... well background information. The other members, aside poor Frank Castle(Punisher, who is sort of a beating stick in this book) seem for the most part under-used.

*I understand that Deadpool is a sacred characters to most individuals. I also understand he doesn't have to be the punchline or deliverer of a joke at all times in a comic. However, he has gained some sort of responsibility(at least in my opinion) of being the individual who reminds you that you're reading a "comic" book. And in this way I will always note him as the said "comic-relief".**
**He was really awesome in Uncanny X-Force. Remender just really found that way of blending serious and stupid with the character.
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