Friday, May 10, 2013

Battle Royale Rip-offs and Neil Gaiman

Yeah so I read Avengers Arena. I like to think of it as one of my guilty pleasure books. That and the new Nova, god I miss Rich. Hey it wouldn't be my blog if I didn't mention Nova, right? This week's issue of Avengers Arena, also known as the comic that ripped off Battle Royale/Hunger Games, starts in semi-high gear and then spins down to first. After that it shoves down the accelerator like a pile of Scrooge McDuck's money. Sentinel Kid Juston is a character in this series, so is Chase from Runaways. Chase grabbed the power of Darkhawk from Chris Powell. Okay, all of this is going over your head, why should I bother? 

Basic point of why I like this book and I've continued to read it for nine issues is pretty basic. Why do old ladies like to watch soap operas? No, I'm not trying to be mean saying only older women watch soaps. I know a few people who watch them and they're around my age or younger. The point is simple, I like to watch people be conniving jerks, I also like to see people try to be nice and mediate situations with said jerks. It like watching Thomas the tank-engine drive(rail?) into a tornado. "I think I can, I think I can!" Doesn't usually work out, sorry Thomas. I really enjoyed the British show Skins, mostly for this fact as well. Yeah it's essentially a soap opera or one of those reality TV shows like survivor. Big thing about this book though is people die. Some very beloved characters by certain groups of Avengers Academy, or more recently, oh wait that's a spoiler. I'm trying to not do those anymore.

Bottom line, if you like just stupid mindless dribble where kids punch and yell at each other and get decapitated, but with super-powers. Read this book. Get out of your, "Oh, it's just a rip-off of 'X' thing", and  try something new. You might end up liking it. I'm not trying to tell you want to do... please don't stop reading.

I like the big belt
In other news Angela's re-design for the Age of Ultron issue written by Neil Gaiman is looking nice. Doctor Strange movie is a go. Daredevil and Ghost Rider are back in the hands of Marvel Studios, but nothing is currently planned(Poor DD). I'm getting really hyped for the Man of Steel movie. I haven't seen Iron Man 3, but from what I know of it I believe I'll enjoy it. The Walking Dead comic that came out this week was fantastic, and I'm hoping things start to speed-up. Uh, yeah that's pretty much all I wanted to talk about.

As always, Thanks for reading. Here's your Suggested Listening. I couldn't remember that Danzig song, you know the one, about Angels falling... Crap.


  1. If they could just get enough rights back for Fantastic Four to say Latveria, that would be great.

    1. If they could get the rights to all their characters that would be great. Honestly, I think it would be neat to let the characters remain with their current holders, but allow cross-pollination between the companies. I'd love to see a X-men vs. Avengers movie Co-Produced by Marvel and Fox.
