Aquaman is cool you guys, I swear!
Damn right he's cool. He's king of Atlantis and has his own team of adventuring heroes! They're called the Others, and I'm quite a fan of them and this issue. We continue with Atlantean weapons being spread across the globe thanks to Scavenger and other people selling them to land-dwellers and ocean poachers. While Aquaman is only in the first few pages the rest of the book does well without him and is more of a "let's get to reacquaint ourselves with the Others" issue. I assume they will play a part in the upcoming story arc which is being called the Death of a King. Which could allude to Arthur or his brother Orm. Probably Orm since he's sitting on death-row after what he did to the eastern seaboard.
Anyway the real fun stems from these characters called the Others, and there possible new member. She's a young girl who is half in the world of the living and half in the waking world of ghosts. A shaman by her Native American ancestry. I really liked how quickly they integrated her into the team to help take down the baddie with the item that Aquaman wanted to retrieve(It's in Arizona which is dry as all get out). It felt natural the way she slid in and worked well with them, especially Prisoner of War who can control a few ghostly soldiers. Even the villain Skinwalker's motive and characterization felt right. All in all a good book I recommend it, and it's a great jumping on point.
he didn't come back |
Also this passing week we saw the release of Superior Spider-man, and his love for midgets and the rise of Jareth the Goblin King(Green Goblin is calling himself the Goblin King now). Also, don't leave a midget on a counter-top it could be trouble for them to get down, stupid Spidey-Ock... Avengers was good, even had some moral lessons all kids should know, like how to ride a stegosaurus. It also taught us a little bit more about this particular Hyperion. I liked the reveal at the end, and Iron Man phoning it in, literally. Other then that Daredevil continues with where it left off the last time I talked about him. Ikari is one hell of a villain, and when you find out who he's working for it only gets better.
That's it for this week in reviews. And yes the Age of Ultron 5-8 is coming soon. Have a great Memorial Day!
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