Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dammit Jeph Loeb

Huehuehue... hur
So Nova is still coming out. I've still been reading it, in fact I just finished number two not to long ago. Thing is, no matter how corny it comes off, I feel as though I'm enjoying it... slowly. It's similar to how Avengers Arena is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's not a great and magnificent book; like Hawkeye or New Avengers. It's just fun and filled with children dying. Some children who I've grown attached to over the years in other books. Guilty pleasures work that way I suppose. And in the realm of comic books being corny and whimsical is kind of the founding father. I like Fear Itself and Avengers Vs. X-men, where others bemoaned them. I think sometimes people forget comic books are well... comical. So dammit Jeph Loeb, you made me enjoy your book.
So Nova was last left off with Gamora and Rocket Raccoon in a hospital bed. His father is now presumed dead and the helmet is in his custody. Not at all does he think, wow my dad was serious, maybe I should pay attention to these people, and listen to what they have to say about my father. No instead he bolts out after Rocket shoots his pillow because he called him a, and I quote "Talking Raccoon". Why did Rocky shoot, just because he was called what he is? I understand if it was a short joke, but Rocket still wouldn't have gone all insane for that statement. I could've understood a growl in the least. Samuel runs out to a nurse and never mentions the word gun, but somehow she thinks there is... Gamora and Rocket are gone when they return to the room. Big surprise said no one. This is just 2-3 pages of this issue that make no sense whatsoever.
All Over Me...
Sam gets the helmet that was still there, and changes in to Nova, and well... the book gets fun from there. I don't know what it is, but Nova always seemed like a cool dude to me. His powers are very basic, but yet fun! Nova was amazing in Annihilation and Annihilation: Conquest. I'm maybe getting a bit too excited to see what the corps and the world mind are up to. Also, Guardians of the Galaxy came out yesterday. I haven't read it yet, but I'll probably talk about it Saturday. I promise this time, I'm actually kind of itching to read it as we speak. God I hope it's not crap.
Also, from last week Captain America's newest issue came out. I've been wanting to talk about the series for a while. So Cap is in Dimension Z and has a son that follows him around for over 10 years. Lone Wolf and Cub would be proud of  Remender's run on Captain America. I'm curious as to how they'll explain the passing of time for Cap, but I assume time works differently in Dimension Z. You know, all wibbly wobbly timey-wimey. It's a great book, but I suggest maybe waiting until the first trade comes out before you read it. It's probably Remender's best work right now, and yes that means better than Uncanny Avengers.
Superior Spider-Man, is a touchy subject with me. I hate what they've done, but I still read it, and I'm still angry. However, that being said I kind of like the book. I just wish it had been delivered in a better way, and they would get rid of that ghost parrot, on Spidey-Ock's shoulder. He has been around annoying the readers for 6 issues. There are only 6 issues of Superior Spider-Man(7 if you count the new Age of Ultron tie-in). I do like the midget however, I hope she honestly becomes his love interest.
Finally, I'm going to talk about Savage Wolverine. Issue 3 was great, it had the right amount of dinosaurs, boobs and cavemen for my liking. Also, Amadeus Cho, who is arguably one of the coolest Asian Marvel characters(right behind Wong and Shang-Chi). Dude is smarter than Einstein, from Manhattan Projects. Just so happens he is now a god of some tribal people in the Savage Land, and is trying to solve why he's there. He even turns down Snoo-Snoo, because his mission is so damn important. Meanwhile, Wolverine says Cripes a few more times, and Shanna the She-Devil looks hot until she gets a spear through he gut. Also, is it me or does Cho look a bit like Archer in that picture I'm using?
Until Saturday, enjoy your weekend. Whoa I posted only about Marvel Comics. Guess I'll have to talk about Aquaman next week.

Suggested Listening: The Amadeus motion picture Soundtrack. Watch the movie too, it's glorious.

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