Saturday, March 30, 2013

Guardians of the Galaxy NOW!

So Guardians of the Galaxy is essentially the flagship title now for Marvel's cosmic universe. Nova is already out, but that's just a kid. Thanos will have a mini-series coming out soon, but that's just a ramping up for a bigger cross-over. No the team of Star-lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon are essentially the main book if you want your space cape book from Marvel. And they've done a pretty good job with the first issue. You have Peter Quill(Star-Lord) hitting on Kree, the King of the Galaxy his father interrupting it. Was he really hitting on her? Yeah, but I think there was some other plan going on.
There is a new addition to this team, Iron Man. Yeah Tony Stark for some odd reason chooses now to leave Earth behind and go on vacation. Not like he couldn't have done that before the events of Civil War. He may have had a clearer mind when he got back and saw his buddies being thrown in jail for not signing up to be a government lap-dog. For whatever his reasons for going to space, and he gives several. He's not a member of the Guardians after a trial-by-fire recruitment against a Badoon ship that is going to invade Earth. Groot gets turned into a splinter... again.
Gamora VS. Spartax Royal Guards
I suppose I should talk about the upcoming movie, and the possible cast. I think what we see in this book is officially the cast. Yes, that include Iron Man. Stark has a space-suit in Iron Man 3, so why not? It only makes sense to me, that or keep it in storage until Thanos comes. Whom he doesn't know is coming, so yeah going into space to take a break after all the events that have happened to him in such a short span of time. He runs into the Guardians, and things get weird. I've heard rumors Chris Pratt from Parks and Recreation and Zero Dark Thirty will take the role of Peter Quill, and honestly I think that's great. Vin Diesel as Drax is the only answer, the man has had experience playing a badass alien before. As for the rest I don't really care, John DiMaggio(Bender) would be great at Rocket.
Badoons versus Dr. Who?
I'm sure I'll talk more about this series as it progresses and inevitable crosses over with the Thanos book. It already has crossed over with Nova, technically. I think Brian Michael Bendis is doing a bang up job after spreading away from the Avengers books. All New X-men and Uncanny X-men are great, Guardians is good, and hopefully he'll be writing a Heroes for Hire book with Cage and Iron Fist. His Age of Ultron mini-series is too new and going too slow to really gauge it's worth. However, the ending should be A+ since Neil Gaiman will be co-writing it. I smell Miracleman...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dammit Jeph Loeb

Huehuehue... hur
So Nova is still coming out. I've still been reading it, in fact I just finished number two not to long ago. Thing is, no matter how corny it comes off, I feel as though I'm enjoying it... slowly. It's similar to how Avengers Arena is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's not a great and magnificent book; like Hawkeye or New Avengers. It's just fun and filled with children dying. Some children who I've grown attached to over the years in other books. Guilty pleasures work that way I suppose. And in the realm of comic books being corny and whimsical is kind of the founding father. I like Fear Itself and Avengers Vs. X-men, where others bemoaned them. I think sometimes people forget comic books are well... comical. So dammit Jeph Loeb, you made me enjoy your book.
So Nova was last left off with Gamora and Rocket Raccoon in a hospital bed. His father is now presumed dead and the helmet is in his custody. Not at all does he think, wow my dad was serious, maybe I should pay attention to these people, and listen to what they have to say about my father. No instead he bolts out after Rocket shoots his pillow because he called him a, and I quote "Talking Raccoon". Why did Rocky shoot, just because he was called what he is? I understand if it was a short joke, but Rocket still wouldn't have gone all insane for that statement. I could've understood a growl in the least. Samuel runs out to a nurse and never mentions the word gun, but somehow she thinks there is... Gamora and Rocket are gone when they return to the room. Big surprise said no one. This is just 2-3 pages of this issue that make no sense whatsoever.
All Over Me...
Sam gets the helmet that was still there, and changes in to Nova, and well... the book gets fun from there. I don't know what it is, but Nova always seemed like a cool dude to me. His powers are very basic, but yet fun! Nova was amazing in Annihilation and Annihilation: Conquest. I'm maybe getting a bit too excited to see what the corps and the world mind are up to. Also, Guardians of the Galaxy came out yesterday. I haven't read it yet, but I'll probably talk about it Saturday. I promise this time, I'm actually kind of itching to read it as we speak. God I hope it's not crap.
Also, from last week Captain America's newest issue came out. I've been wanting to talk about the series for a while. So Cap is in Dimension Z and has a son that follows him around for over 10 years. Lone Wolf and Cub would be proud of  Remender's run on Captain America. I'm curious as to how they'll explain the passing of time for Cap, but I assume time works differently in Dimension Z. You know, all wibbly wobbly timey-wimey. It's a great book, but I suggest maybe waiting until the first trade comes out before you read it. It's probably Remender's best work right now, and yes that means better than Uncanny Avengers.
Superior Spider-Man, is a touchy subject with me. I hate what they've done, but I still read it, and I'm still angry. However, that being said I kind of like the book. I just wish it had been delivered in a better way, and they would get rid of that ghost parrot, on Spidey-Ock's shoulder. He has been around annoying the readers for 6 issues. There are only 6 issues of Superior Spider-Man(7 if you count the new Age of Ultron tie-in). I do like the midget however, I hope she honestly becomes his love interest.
Finally, I'm going to talk about Savage Wolverine. Issue 3 was great, it had the right amount of dinosaurs, boobs and cavemen for my liking. Also, Amadeus Cho, who is arguably one of the coolest Asian Marvel characters(right behind Wong and Shang-Chi). Dude is smarter than Einstein, from Manhattan Projects. Just so happens he is now a god of some tribal people in the Savage Land, and is trying to solve why he's there. He even turns down Snoo-Snoo, because his mission is so damn important. Meanwhile, Wolverine says Cripes a few more times, and Shanna the She-Devil looks hot until she gets a spear through he gut. Also, is it me or does Cho look a bit like Archer in that picture I'm using?
Until Saturday, enjoy your weekend. Whoa I posted only about Marvel Comics. Guess I'll have to talk about Aquaman next week.

Suggested Listening: The Amadeus motion picture Soundtrack. Watch the movie too, it's glorious.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Comics From The Last Few Weeks

Just wanna clear up that there are some spoilers for Walking Dead in here, well honestly there are spoilers for a lot of comics. But mostly Walking Dead, since it's a major TV show now, a lot of people don't want to know where the show will possibly go, so read at your own risk. You can skip to the second break after this one to get to some X-men and Manhattan Projects talk.

NAILED IT! (Jesus jokes are kind of wrong)
So I haven't written much lately, and you can yell at me if you want to. I've been re-playing through Dragon Age: Origins so that I can start up playing Awakening and eventually DA2. I've been reading comics randomly and I'm a week behind. Actually I still haven't read Green Arrow or Animal Man from 2 weeks ago. I Just finished reading Walking Dead 108 and I liked it, the book has been sagging a bit as of late. So, it was nice to read about a new kingdom. I just wish it wasn't actually called "The Kingdom". It's a bit silly. I did like that Kirkman finally touched on something that has been missing in this post-apocalyptic zombie world. Nerds. Ezekiel honestly is the first person I've seen that I would consider a true nerd. Yeah you can say that guy with the walkie-talkie is kind of nerdy, but I disagree. I think that dude is just smart and kind of weird... Okay so Ezekiel is maybe more like a geek. So Ezekiel is the first geek in this post-apocalyptic zombie world. That's cook I like geeks, I'm a geek. Geeks like comic books, or well we obsess over them. I mean I am writing a blog about comics. I believe that qualifies me for geekdom.
So Ezekiel is pretty awesome, he's got a damn tiger. The tiger is named Shiva and doesn't dig violence, neither does Ezekiel. But yet Ezekiel wants to launch a major assault on the ping-pong champion Negan. Honestly that bit didn't make much sense to me, but I can see him making a stand to stop the violence with violence. Another odd thing about this issue, Carl just realized he can't see out of his right eye. Oh look a blindspot. I mean really, it took you almost 20 something issues to realize that? Also, why is Michonne starting to act like a bitch? I like her characterization a lot in the book, and she's pretty awesome in the show as well. She's cold and distant I get that, but she's always been the quiet person with the katana(which isn't in Google's dictionary apparently). She has just really fallen off the wagon lately and she does remark on this in this issue. Noticing that she has a bad time pretending to be a socialite individual amonst numerous individuals makes sense for her character, but honestly I could do without the whining from her. She's supposed to be a badass who keeps her feels to herself, but everyone can read them on her face. Not some dour lady who's in the kitchen and wants someone to break the cuffs to her oven free for her. She does that with her katana. Well, the character isn't mine and I can't tell Robert Kirkman what to do with her, but I can take my toys and go home.

In other comics; Uncanny X-men is off to a pretty good start. I never understood why The Bros of Mutant Evil(And Mystique) never got their own comic. I mean it really does make sense to have book that portrays the opposing side of the heroes. It doesn't have to shine a light on the bad guys as being good in there own way, but at least make them seem a bit more human than just some guys who disagree with the good guys. Yeah, I know the word on if Cyclops is a baddie is still not out. I just think this is the obvious progression that Marvel is going with the character. I actually like Cyclops I think he's a good person at his core, but a lot of people have crapped on him over the years. Dude lost his wife, then his girlfriend, well that's still up in the air. Now Captain America wants his head on a silver platter. Dude is priming up to explode like a bag of TNT outside the start of a new mine in the olden times. Besides that obvious tendencies Marvel is going with his character and that cadre, Magik has been the shining spot in the book for laughs. She actually catches me off guard with her facetious humor. Oh, and look Magneto is a double agent. He's probably a triple agent, that wouldn't be surprising.

Best part of the book; the covers
X-men Legacy is just as good as it always has been, I'm really digging Legion being the main character. And now the relationship with Blindfold, who I've kind of had a soft spot since she was created. I just want to read more about these two and maybe even Chamber. I could deal with just these three guys doing stuff, kinda like X-factor Investigations did when they first started out. Sadly on another note, I'm starting to lose interest in Manhattan Projects. I will take the wait and see approach, but the last issue(10) was kind of overdrawn. I mean the whole Oppenheimer thing seems to be a bit too convoluted and over-the-top. I still enjoy reading "Hmmm..." in varying ways though. I really just want more of that talking Russian space dog. Also, check out the newest Batman and Robin(18) It's pretty amazing and will make you cry a bit if you loved Damien as much as I did. It's a silent issue, as in it doesn't have any dialogue, but the panel work and art direction pretty much sum up everything that would be necessary to say.

More will be coming this weekend or maybe Monday, it depends on how lazy I am. I'm very lazy.

Suggested Listening: Anything by Nero, it's actually decent Dubstep. Not like the Skrillex guy.